'Pay It Forward' Challenge
to Support Black-Owned Businesses.
Find templates and more info below.

Black-owned businesses are hurting due to Covid-19 and systemic oppression. Everyone can play a role in supporting them, thereby working towards a more just economy & society.

#Loveblackbusiness #spreadthelove

Email "Love Letter" Template

Hello friends!
My friend from ((gift sender's name & location)) sent me a gift as part of the Love Black Business challenge and now I am gifting you from a Black-owned business of my choice too! Expect a surprise from me in the ((mail/at work/etc.)) soon!

Spread the Love: Please pay it forward by gifting your friends/family/colleagues/etc. with a gift from any Black-Owned Business(es). Choose anywhere between 1-10 people to gift--no gift is too small or too big--whatever works for you and your budget! We can keep this challenge going by spreading it to those who you think can and would pay it forward! This is one way to show kindness today while importantly supporting, boosting, and sharing Black-owned businesses. 🙂

Here are some places to start:
Buy From a Black Woman Directory
Black-Owned Etsy Shops

((or YOUR city)) Local: ((add local links below))

Directions to LoveBlackBusiness
1. After you’ve sent your gifts, paste links from any new businesses you love/may have found in the "here are some places to start" section above. Link to restaurants, shops, artist websites, business directories or compilations of local businesses, etc. Any black-owned business or resource works!

2. Copy and paste this entire message (put my name in the area showing who the letter was from AND add any new resource links you may have). Then, BCC the friends you gifted AND me, so we can share resources and encourage the growth of this effort to support Black-owned businesses into the future!

3. Consider writing a good review and/or sharing the business and product you received on your social media pages, to spread the word about the business and why it’s so great! Be sure to use the hashtags #LoveBlackBusiness, #SpreadTheLove & #SupportBlackBusinesses too!

4. See the following page for more information, including a physical letter template and reasons why Loving Black Businesses is so necessary right now and into the future (also, share the page to spread this challenge even more widely!):!
Enjoy your gift & pay it forward if you can!

Printed "Love Letter" Template

Dear (friend’s name),

Hello! My friend (your gift sender’s name) sent me a gift as part of the Love Black Business challenge and now I’m gifting you! I hope you enjoy your gift and that you’ll be able to “pass it forward” and help Love Black Businesses too!

The goal is that you’ll also choose to gift between 1-10 of your friends/family/colleagues/etc. with something special from any Black-Owned Business(es). This is one way to spread kindness during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond, while importantly supporting and boosting Black-owned businesses. No amount of gifts is the right choice, and no gift is too small or too big--whatever works for you and your budget! 🙂

Here are the steps to take:
1. Open and enjoy your gift!

2. Consider writing a good review and sharing the business/product you received on your social media pages, to spread the word about the business and why it’s so great! Be sure to use the hashtags #LoveBlackBusiness, #SpreadTheLove, and #SupportBlackBusinesses too!

3. Choose between 1-10 friends/family members/colleagues/etc. to gift and buy/order gifts for them.

a. Send the same gift to all of your friends and really support one business well, or spread the love and choose gifts from different businesses for each friend. It’s up to you!

b. Find gifts: Shopping local can be a great place to start! Is there a Black Chamber of Commerce in your area? A local list online? Apps like Black Nation & eatOkra can be great resources too, as well as searching #blackedownedbusiness on social media.

4. Go to to copy and paste this letter to edit and print. Attach to your gifts, and deliver to your friends! You can deliver anonymously (don’t sign the letter and leave the gift in mailboxes, on desks, etc.), or sign this letter & deliver by hand!

For more information, including reasons why Loving Black Businesses is so necessary right now and into the future, visit

Enjoy your gift!

All the best,
(your name)

P.S. Feeling stuck? Consider the range of businesses & products: coffee/tea shops, restaurants, food stores, Etsy shops, clothing stores, home goods, music, artist websites and shops, bookstores, barber shops/salons, makeup & body care, health/fitness/wellbeing courses/gift certificates, kids, jewelry, etc!

Learn Why

Your Dollars Can Make a Difference

There have always been several reasons why it’s so important to buy from Black-owned businesses: to help narrow the racial wealth gap, support local communities, and offset employment barriers, to name a few.

It's especially important now, as the Black community has been adversely & disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic & recent civil unrest, in more ways than one.

These effects are all tied to systemic issues, which all existed before this moment in time. However, supporting Black Businesses now and into the future can help to direct more money into the community, which, as a habitual practice, can help bring about positive changes and a more just and fair economy & society.

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